Mini Project


In todays learning section, we learned a new term "quick cuts" which refers to a film or video editing technique in which shots or scenes are edited together rapidly, creating a fast-paced and dynamic visual sequence. This technique involves shortening the duration of individual shots and frequently changing the angle or perspective, resulting in a sequence of images that flow quickly from one to the next. Quick cuts are often used to create a sense of urgency, excitement, or to convey information rapidly.

Quick cuts can be used for various purposes in media, including: 

Creating tension: Rapid cuts can build tension and suspense in a scene, keeping the audience engaged and on edge. 

Conveying information: Quick cuts can be used to quickly convey information or show a series of events in a condensed manner. 

Enhancing action sequences: Action scenes often use quick cuts to make the action feel fast-paced and dynamic, keeping viewers engaged.

 Emphasizing emotions: Quick cuts can be employed to reflect the emotional state of a character or the overall mood of a scene.

 here are a video on how we apply quickcuts to show the process, my friend dhera refilling his water bottle.
