

TheoryTheoristDescription (100 words)Example (100 words)
Media ownership / regulationN/AMedia ownership/regulation is when a media company controlled by number of people and it affect of how it is representated to the audienceIn the US, it is controlled by the FCC where they limit the number of the radio station and television market that they can own in a market
SynergyAnsoffSynergy theory is when a company is doing a cross media convergence in order to promotes and benefit both businesses such as gaining more profits and more exposure.One of the example of this theory is when BTS decided to do a collaboration with MCD to gain more exposure and profits by creating a new product so that customer could try it
Cross Media ConvergenceHenry Jenkins
New MediaN/A
Two Step FlowPaul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet
Technological ConvergenceHenry Jenkins
Genre TheorySteve Nealegenre theory is when how a media product is categorized and representated to the audience, there is a lot of genre and we can combine several genre into one, for example action/comedy, romance/thriller, horror/comedySuper hero movies such as marvels, the character is representated as a strong men/women because they fight for justice
DesensitisationJoseph Wolpe
Reception TheoryHans Robert Jausswhen a media text contains messages that the media wants the audience to know aboutwhen we watch a political speech, audience can agree or disagree about it
Cultivation TheoryGeorge Gerbner
5 Narrative CodesRoland Barthes
Binary OppositesLevi Strausswhen a related things or character were in a oppositeGood vs Evil(Super hero movies eg marvel), Creatures vs human(godzilla)
GlobalisationTheodore Levitt
Social LearningAlbert Bandurawhen we learn through social media, focusing on observation, from that modelone example of this theory is that when the end game movie from marvel were published, a lot of people imitating one of the characther thanos, because hes doing the snap thing and everything is going back to normal, by then, people starts to imitate thanos by snapping their fingers around.
