My Active Media History

 Media products that I used recently:

  1. Abu2kk (Tiktok)

  2. Fred Liu (Youtuber/YT Channel)

  3. Extraordinary Attorney Woo (Korean Drama Series - Netflix)

  4. Boy Pablo - Sick Feeling (Spotify)


Preferred Reading: 

I got new skills for gym 

Negotiated reading: 

He likes to tell the main point at the end

Oppositional Reading : -

Fred Liu

Preferred Reading: The content that he make on his youtube channel made my mood because its interesting, and fun

Negotiated reading: -

Oppositional Reading : -

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Preferred Reading :

The storyline looks interesting 

Negotiated Reading :

The audio is pure korean so it's hard to understand 

Oppositional Reading : -

Boy Pablo

Preferred Reading: It's good music, the creator of the music successfully made me enter the atmosphere of the music.

Negotiated reading: -

Oppositional Reading : -
